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Welcome to the FAQ section for the Staking Rewards Staking Data API! In this section, you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the API. If you have a question that is not covered here, feel free to get in touch with our support team on Discord. We are always happy to help!

What is this API and what can it do?

This API is a tool that allows users to retrieve information about various objects in the world of staking and digital assets. These objects include:

  • Assets: Digital assets that are staked or utlized in some other way in a blockchain network.
  • Providers: Entities that offer services related to digital assets, such as staking or validator nodes.
  • Validators: On-Chain entities in a blockchain network that are responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the integrity of the network.
  • Reward Options: Options for earning rewards by staking or using digital assets in some other way.
  • Metrics: Data and measurements related to staking and digital assets, such as staking returns or numeric values.

The API utilizes GraphQL as its query language and requires a valid authentication key for access. Users can retrieve lists of these objects, filtered and paginated according to specified arguments, and can also access individual object records and their related data. The specific data and functionality available through the API may vary depending on the blockchain and data sources being used.

How do I get started with this API?

To get started, please follow the instructions in the Quick Start Guide. This will guide you through the process of setting up your account key and making your first API request.

What authentication methods does this API support?

"This API uses an auth key for authentication. To access the API, you will need to provide a valid auth key with each request in the header using the key name X-API-KEY. Please refer to the authentication section of the documentation for more information on how to obtain and use an auth key."

Can I use this API to access data from multiple datasets?

Yes. You can get the most recent and historical data of different types:

The Asset type represents a digital asset and includes fields for various properties such as name, symbol, and type, as well as metadata like logo URL and description. It also has fields for retrieving related RewardOption and Metric objects.

The Provider type represents a provider and includes fields for properties like name, logo URL, and country, as well as metadata like team and reviews. It also has fields for retrieving related RewardOption and Metric objects.

The RewardOption type represents a reward option for staking an asset and includes fields for input and output assets, as well as validators and provider offering the reward option. It also houses Metrics.

The Validator type represents a validator and includes a list of metrics, which can be properties like name, description and reward commission rate. It also has a field which is relating to RewardOptions.

What is the maximum number of API requests I can make per day?

The maximum number of API requests you can make per day is determined by your API plan. Please check out the Credits and Billing Section to find out more or get in touch Discordfor more information.

How often is the staking data updated in the API?

The staking data in the API is updated periodically on an automated basis, with the frequency of updates varying depending on the individual asset and the specific data sources being used. To ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information is provided, our system is designed to refresh the data in the API on a regular basis. If you have any questions about the update frequency for a particular asset or data source, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team. We would be happy to provide more information to assist with your needs.

Is there a way to get historical staking data through the API?

It is possible to retrieve historical staking data through the API by using the appropriate queries. The specific data and time periods available may vary depending on the asset and data sources being used. To get more information about how to access historical staking data through the API, please refer to Queries/Historical Data

If you have specific needs or questions about accessing historical staking data through the API, please get in touch with our team.

How do I report an issue or bug with the API?

To report an issue or bug with the API, please contact our team through the designated support channels. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the smooth and reliable operation of the API, and we welcome any reports of issues or bugs that you may encounter. To help us resolve the issue as efficiently as possible, please provide as much detail as possible about the problem you are experiencing, including any error messages or relevant log files. We appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain the quality of the API and will do our best to address any issues in a timely manner.